Central Province of Papua New Guinea
In the Central Province of Papua New Guinea we are supporting the work of the Kyeema Foundation in the introduction of village chickens as an alternative protein source on overfished reefs. A major obstacle for the sustainability of conservation projects is compliance among coastal communities, especially if it means short-term reductions in fish catch. This unique village chickens project addresses this problem by introducing alternative protein sources to fish that runs in parallel with community-led coastal conservation and livelihood initiatives run by JWP’s regional partners, SELF, Corals 4 Conservation and Hiri Coral. Community-led conservation initiatives include reef and mangrove restoration activities, locally-managed marine protected areas and in the supplementation of livelihoods, such as the introduction of local chicken feed production and household garden farming activities.
The project works closely with the PNG Local Level Government Representative Councillors; Provincial DPI and Fisheries, as well as ensuring close coordination with the National Departments of Agriculture, Conservation and Environmental Protection Authority and National Fisheries Authority, to ensure the project continues to meet GoPNG objectives. JWP are a strategic and capacity building partner for the project, focusing on fundraising, stakeholder engagement and the establishment of working partnerships for project expansion.
Every pound donated to this project will go directly to the work being done in Papua New Guinea, as well as towards the expansion of the project to other areas of PNG and in the wider Pacific Region.