Who We Are
Just world Partnerships (JWP) work with local and regional partners throughout the Pacific Region, supporting coastal island communities that are at most risk from the social and ecological impacts of climate change. Our focus is at the grassroots ensuring a participatory approach that means the most vulnerable and marginalised groups in society are given a voice and have a lead in planning their future in a rapidly changing world.

Nature Based Solutions in the Pacific

Central Province of Papua New Guinea

Sigatoka, Fiji

The "wokabaut somil" in operation (circa. 1988)
Formally launched by Baron George Foulkes in 1999, Just World Partners represented a coming together of much of the earlier work that was initiated under the Foundation of the South Pacific (FSP) and a geographical branching out based on the success of some of its pioneering activities
The formal launching of the Foundation of the South Pacific (1992)
The Kyeema Foundation (KYEEMA) supports sustainable food and nutrition security through the humble village chicken, by providing support to access a crucial vaccine and education to improve livelihoods in vulnerable communities globally.
Teaching Health through Theatre (1998)
Although a front runner on the environmental front, UKFSP also supported many health, livelihoods and educational projects over the years, directed by Dory Macintosh (current JWP Trustee) for 18 years